Sunday, October 17, 2010

Video production techniques

I think the best way to understand it is video production as a PROCESS.

The process is always the same whether you produce a simple video or a complex.

Here is a description of the process step by step.It can be divided into three phases. 

Pre-production production post production

Pre-production is probably the most important and at the einfachsten.Selbst if you want to outsource most of the work, can (and should) do most of the pre-production.  Pre-production contains everything you do before ever touching the camera.   

  First, you think you want to be your finished video.   Ask these questions.
Who is your target audience? what need your audience or want to hear?  What does know the audience already?  What kind of video appeal to your target audience?  What is your budget?  What resources you have to do, that easily available?
Most determine anything the answers to these questions. 

  Next you think what should actually go and get on Videoband.Brauchen to interview experts?Do you need pictures of certain things that represent your subject?  Where and how will these things band video?  Plan it all raus.telefonieren you mobile phones.  Crews to plan, etc.

Writing a first draft of the Skriptes.Nichts at this point in stone be carved, but a good script will help you gather all your thoughts.

A good script should do conversational.So when you declare the object to a friend are.What would you say to you?Note that you and change it then by more colorful words and better descriptions.

Scripts are best video if you are using simple, short sentences.Avoid long, complex words to the tongue twisters.Read it out loud to test it.You have someone else to listen to and get your reaction.

Production includes all your raw materials to sammeln.Alle your raw video and Audio.Diese takes phase probably most of the work and know-how, in particular, if you're shooting everything from scratch.

Post production is the phase where all your raw materials and assemble in a finished video.Usually means post-production video editing.During the post-production, add titles, music and other special effects.

There are many wonderful computer video editing programs which use a good job making. personal I reporter of Apple Computers.Dies is an advanced video editing program, the you full control over every aspect of your video erlaubt.Die most beginners would never want to with it to täuschen.Ein beginners would be much better off with a simple program such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie are free programs based sind.Diese pre-produced templates it much easier and less complex to make.

Sony Vegas Movie Studio is a popular program that is cheap and allows more control than the small niceness programs but not nearly as complicated as final cut.

Video editing is a step by step process and I have many free tutorials here on video production that will help you.

So there you have it, a short description of the video production process.

Lorraine Grula was a prestigious award-winning video professionally for over twenty-five years.(Yes, makes that your kind of old.)Lorraine has done virtually any type of video production imaginable and now shares its expertise on Netz.Ihr blog is full of free information and video tutorials.

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