The stone masonry industry regularly use many types of natural and artificial stone. Choosing the correct stone for the right application is important.
Here are some different types of natural stone, found in the three main geographical rock types:
Igneous igneous rock formed by cooling of the magma or lava and may or may not crystallization features include. natural igneous rocks types belonging to granite which is one of the hardest stone around and requires special Mason techniques with used generally to arbeiten.Es Maurer for its strength and durability in countertops, curbs and floor coverings.
The softer pumice and slag to the more harder Obsidian include other igneous rock types and basalt stone masonry are used in stone for principles and building blocks.
Metamorphic metamorphic rock is the transformation from an existing rock type where extreme pressures and temperatures for long periods leads has undergone profound chemical and physical metamorphosis'.
Marble is a typical and popular metamorphic rock that facing Renaissance stonework was carved by tradition, statues and f??r has.There are many types of marble, which are distinguished by their colour Petographic type and other Faktoren.Einige common types include the white or blue grey Carrara marble dismantled in Carrara, Italy. Marble is used mainly for its decorative characteristics in the floor, wall and fireplaces of stonemasons.
Other popular metamorphic rock is slate.Its hardness and granularity provides a focus for monuments and inscriptions is popular.Its multi-tiered form allows Mason it in thin plates split and use it as a roofing material.
Water from the sedimentation of other rock, deposits and organic particles is formed sedimentary rock.Again a long process and the application of heat and pressure to form layers layers in a structure called Betten.Innerhalb of this beds see also ores and fossil fuels.
Common sedimentary rock are limestone. used examples of limestone are frequently York ringtone, Sydney and bathroom and most of the city of bath is from Portland Stein.Kentish Ragstone verwendet.Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London is an another famous limestone from Kent of Kent stone of the past and Kent's castles such as Leeds Castle are all known Stoneworks of Kent Mason from Kent Ragstone.
Travertine is a popular limestone used for its soft aesthetic appearance wird.Es is often used as a cover, floors, walls and bathrooms
The author is a well established Mason in Kent, is the founder North Kent stone masonry that in assessing new builds stone masonry projects are experienced and specialize in stone cleaning and restoration work with natural stone, granite, marble and high quality pre-cast concrete architectural concrete.
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